Product Development Insights with Smartsheet-JIRA Connector

Leveraging The Smartsheet-JIRA Integration Through Adapture

As product development organizations grow and undertake complex projects, efficient project and portfolio management (PPM) becomes critical. Integrating Smartsheet with JIRA offers a powerful solution for gaining comprehensive insights into project performance.

Gain insights into product development progress, resource allocation, key metrics, risks and bottlenecks by utilizing comprehensive analytics and reporting informed by Integrating Smartsheet and it’s PPM features with JIRA’s software development capabilities. Scalable from one project to an entire product portfolio.

A fully integrated solution that embraces the power of Smartsheet-JIRA Connector to supercharge PPM endeavors in organizations to achieve long-term success.

  • Seamless Integration with JIRA

    Curate, group, and sort JIRA project data to gain insight into your teams’ work, including current sprint information, issue and story point aggregates, and data gap identification for missing story points and resource assignments.

  • Product Roadmap Management

    Manage your product roadmap in Smartsheet with feature- and epic-level milestones, effort and duration estimation, and planning. Integrate your PPM with JIRA data to track progress against milestones and to identify gaps and bottlenecks.

  • Comprehensive Product Roadmap Dashboard

    The Product Roadmap dashboard provides consolidated Smartsheet-JIRA insights into current and planned milestones, feature and epic metrics, product work-in-progress, risks and gaps, and a view into the longer-term product backlog.

  • Sprint Board

    The Sprint Board Dashboard provides consolidated information on the current sprint, including resource assignments, resource allocation, capacity utilization, work progress, risks and bottlenecks, and high-level metrics. The dashboard also provides a five-sprint look back with insights into team performance and capacity utilization trends.

Unlock Seamless Project Management and Advanced Analytics