Improve Productivity, Enhance Visibility, Automate, and More with Operations Solutions from Smartsheet

Operations leaders across industries often lack the visibility needed in engagements, delivery timelines, and resource allocation. At the same time, internal organization pressures and external demands on these leaders are constantly growing−creating more strain on operations to deliver.

As the leading project management platform, Smartsheet helps those leaders reclaim more than 300 hours each year and reduces time-to-market by 15%.[1]

[1] A Forrester Total Economic Study – “The Total Economic Impact™ of Smartsheet”, pub. 2018

Become More Productive and Effective with Smartsheet

Organizations are held back by information silos. With no united view into your data and your processes, you lose alignment within your organization. Employees spend an average of 36% of their typical work day searching for the data they need−and 44% of the time, they aren’t able to find it.

Time Spent Searching for Data during a Typical Workday
Probability of Not Finding the Right Data

Bridge your operational gaps with enhanced delivery transparency with internal and external dashboards and executive roll-ups for your top KPIs.

Smartsheet delivers the insight and intelligence your Operations department needs to be fully effective and support the rest of your team. The project management portal enables your team to collaborate, manage, and report on work in real time, automate workflows, and deploy new processes at scale. Additionally, its technology integrations facilitate data consolidation across your disparate platforms and tools.

Operations leaders can:

Deliver Consistently and Quickly with Smartsheet

A recent survey showed that fewer than half of organizations believe their project management tool enables them to customize work in the way they need to.[1] With the right Smartsheet expertise, you can customize your project management portal to display the data you need, control access to individual dashboards and reports, and pull information from outside sources into one single view.

[1] 451 Research – “The New Work Management System for the Digital Enterprise”, pub. 2017

Real-Time Analytics

Operations leaders can rely on Smartsheet for:

  • Office Migrations

    Coordinate data center migrations and office relocations by providing visibility and setting up automated alerts and approvals to ensure collaboration across teams.

  • Hardware and Infrastructure Project Management

    Control and coordinate hardware acquisition, upgrades, and facility infrastructure projects at the portfolio level using consistent provisioning. Quickly adapt and easily archive all projects across the board.

  • Cross-Organization Portfolio Updates and Reporting

    Connect seamlessly with other teams by enabling collaboration across stakeholder groups, control access to resources, and gain unprecedented visibility with roll-up reporting and dashboards.

  • Help Desk

    Gain visibility into issue patterns with customizable data analytics, enabling faster issue resolution and improving end user satisfaction with better service.

Customizable Operations Dashboards and Portals

Operations needs a project management tool that enables transparency and collaboration across all project sites, but many teams lack the bandwidth to rapidly deploy a customized full services project lifecycle system with end-to-end professional services portfolio management at scale with necessary enterprise-grade security and controls.

Hiring new engineers with Smartsheet customization and deployment experience is costly, and often outside of the operational budget−and lean internal IT teams often don’t have the bandwidth necessary to learn, build, and implement a new tool with the full capabilities of Smartsheet.

Your dashboards can include:

It doesn’t make sense to invest in a tool without having the resources to manage it−companies need an experienced partner that can help.

Adapture is a Smartsheet Platinum partner with the expertise to help you design, customize, and deploy Smartsheet. Our team of Smartsheet experts provides decades of technical experience to supplement your team. Technology like Smartsheet is only as effective as its management and expertise behind it. Adapture not only customizes and supports Smartsheet for our clients−we also utilize Smartsheet internally because of its unmatched capabilities.

Power boost your operations projects with a customizable project management platform.

Contact an Adapture Smartsheet Solutions Architect today to start building a single source for all of your data analytics and project insight.